Words for Healing
John 5:1-9 tells the story about a great number of sick people who were lying beside the pool. An angel of the Lord comes at a season to stir the pool, and whichever of the sick was able to step into the water, was cured of their disease. There was particular man who had a disease for thirty-eight years and was helpless to jump into the pool for healing when the water was stir up. Jesus saw how helpless this man was and came to help him. Being impotent for thirty-eight years, I’m sure this man lost every hope in him and never thought he could ever be made whole. Many people today have disease which looks like it can’t be cured. The same Jesus, who made this impotent man whole, will help you of whatever condition you have. It is God’s will for us to have sound mind and good health (1Timothy 1:7). Keep trusting the Lord and in His promises and He will destroy every disease you have in your body. Whatever may be the problem; whatever may be the sickness or disease, there is nothing Jesus cannot do for you. Mark 5:25-29 tells the story of a woman with the issue of blood for twelve years and no physician could heal her. She heard of Jesus: she pressed on to see Him and as touching Jesus garment, she was made whole. Whatever you are facing today, no matter how long you have struggled with it, Jesus is the great Physician and He will heal you.
Scriptures for reading
Luke 5:31
Mathew 4:23,
Jeremiah 30:17
Psalm 103:3,
Deuteronomy 7:15
John 5:1-9
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